A Framework for effective school case managment
This section encompasses the detailed version of what constitutes effective school case management as contained in the report on the review (de Jong, 2005).
This framework is presented in accordance with Table 1 on page 6: A framework for effective school case management which consists of four key areas related to the principles, definition, aims, and processes of effective school case management.
There are two main aims to this section: firstly, to offer a resource to mental health specialists whose work involves school case management, such as school psychologists, school counsellors, social workers, youth workers, and G.P.s; and secondly, to provide a comprehensive cross reference for school-based staff who are not specialists in the area of school case management but are involved in working with secondary school students who have support needs. These staff may include administrators (eg. principals, deputy principals, heads of departments, team leaders), student services personnel; and possibly teachers.
Section 3, the Kit on effective school case management practice, is closely aligned with the framework so that anyone involved in appraising their school case management practices, or developing an action plan to improve their case management, or facilitating a professional learning program, can make a quick, and easy reference to any specific detail in the framework as and when required. It should be noted though that as a result of editing for easier application, the Kit differs slightly in parts to the framework.
The framework at a glance:
2.1: The three levels of support
2.2: Principles
2.3: Definitions
2.4: Main aims
2.5: Establishing a system
2.6: Strategies