Coosje Griffiths, MindMatters Plus Case Management Project Manager
The development of this kit would not have been possible without the generous support of and expert feedback from a broad range of health profession people, student support personnel, school administrators, and teachers. Many thanks to the following people who participated in the consensus-building process:
Libby Brown, AGCA, SA
Brad Cooper, Case Management Courses Coordinator, School of Nursing, The University of Melbourne
Erika Felix, Clinical Psychologist, California, US
Regina Firinauskas, School Psychologist and Coordinator: Student Support and Disability Services, DECS, SA
Michael Furlong, Professor, Counselling/Clinical/School Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Coosje Griffiths, Area Manager, Student Services, Swan Education District, WA
Sue Hawick, School Counsellor/School Psychologist, NSW; Immediate Past President, AGCA
Royce Herbert, Guidance Officer, DECS, SA; President AGCA
Anna Huber, School Counsellor, Student Services and Equity Multi Disciplinary Project Counsellors group, ACT
Shane Jimmerson, PhD, Associate Dean for Research, Professor of Counselling, Clinical, and School Psychology, Professor of Child and Adolescent Development, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Ros June, R/Senior Consultant Attendance, Behaviour Standards and Wellbeing Directorate, Department of Education and Training, WA
Bill Mann, Principal, Girrawheen Senior High School, Perth, WA
Grania McCudden, Principal Consultant, Behaviour Standards and Wellbeing, Department of Education and Training, WA; President, School Psychologists Association of Western Australia
Heather McLoughlin, Senior Counsellor, Student Services and Equity, ACT Department of Education and Training
Margaret Riley, Senior Counsellor, ACT Department of Education and Training
Pauline Robinson, School Psychologist, Chisholm Catholic College, WA
Adrian Scott, Student Services Coordinator, Clarkson Community High School, WA
Jill Sharkey, School Psychologist and Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for School Based Youth Development, UCSB, California, USA
Svea van der Hoorn, Educational Psychologist, UK and South Africa
Ivan Watson, Guidance Officer, Department of Education and Training, Victoria
Georgette Yetter, School Psychologist and Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for School Based Youth Development, UCSB, California, USA
Many thanks to the following people who participated in the focus group meeting and subsequent review of the kit:
Mark Adkins, Retention and Participation Coordinator, Swan District Education Office
Jane Barbour, Students At Educational Risk Project Officer, Swan District Education Office
Cheryl Chapman, School Psychologist, Lockridge Senior High School
Tracey Cullen, Manager Aboriginal Education, Swan District Education Office
Greg Gibbs, Acting Student Services Manager, Mirrabooka Senior High School
Lesley Halligan, Student Services Manager, Swan District Education Office
Neil Hudson, Coordinator Student Services, Mt Lawley Senior High School
Pat Hughes, School Psychologist, Morley Senior High School
Eileen Kuruckchi, School Psychologist, Mt Lawley Senior High School
Meg Phillips, School Psychologist, Ballajura Community College
Russell Pitcher, School Psychologist, Mirrabooka Senior High School
Catherine Schelfhout, School Psychologist, Governor Stirling Senior High School
Kaye Stevens, Deputy Principal, Lockridge Senior High School
Silvanna Tobiolo, State MindMatters Project Officer, Central Office
Helen Trengrove, School Psychologist, John Forrest Senior High School
Tracey Weatherilt, Student Services Manager, Swan District Education Office
Bruce Wheatland, Deputy Principal, Morley Senior High School
Many thanks to Roger Holdsworth for his critical review of the kit, and his suggestions concerning the need to embrace student views Many thanks to the staff of Girrawheen Senior High School for trialling parts of the kit, especially:
Bill Mann, Principal
Mary Griffiths, Deputy Principal
Murray Williams, Coordinator of Student Services
Philomena Rourke, School Psychologist
Chrystal Makene, Youth Worker.