There are three sections to this kit
SECTION 1: Overview: MM+ Case Management Project
This section provides a brief background of and rationale for the project. It states the aim and process of the project, and concludes with a summary of the framework for effective school case management;
SECTION 2: A framework for effective school case management
This section encompasses the detailed version of what constitutes effective school case management. It has two main aims: firstly, to offer a resource to mental health specialists whose work involves school case management, such as school psychologists, school counsellors, social workers, youth workers, and G.P.�s; and secondly, to provide a comprehensive cross reference for school-based staff who are not specialists in the area of school case management but are involved in working with secondary school students who have support needs. These staff may include administrators (eg. principals, deputy principals, heads of departments, team leaders); student services personnel; and possibly teachers. Section 3, the kit on effective school case management practice, is closely aligned with the framework so that anyone involved in appraising their school case management practices, or developing an action plan to improve their case management, or facilitating a professional learning
program, can make a quick, and easy reference to any specific detail in the framework as and when required.
SECTION 3: A kit for developing effective school case management practices
This section consists of a kit which is designed to engage school-based staff in consultation with mental health specialists in appraising and developing the quality of their school�s case management practices. The kit comprises seven resources:
• 1. Checklists based on the framework in section 2, which require staff to appraise the extent to which they consider particular aspects of effective school case management practices to be undeveloped/developing/developed/well established in their school. They can be completed either as a paper version or online here ;
• 2. Development Plan forms which give staff the opportunity to target particular aspects of their case management practices for development and improvement;
• 3. Summaries of the main aspects of school case management, which can be used as part of a professional learning program (eg. distribution to participants; OHP);
• 4. A pro-forma sample of a case conference record;
• 5. A Professional Development Kit comprising PowerPoint and PDF presentation material.
• 6. An example of a school�s process for case management (available as a separate Power Point file);
• 7. A list of useful websites which are associated with mental health in schools and case management.