APACS is comprised of a mix of affiliated state organisations and one state branch.
APACS is a peak national professional association for school psychologists, school counsellors and guidance officers in Australia.
We provide leadership and support to our members in school psychology, educational guidance and counselling to support their crucial work in Australian schools. We have over one thousand members across Australia who work in diverse school settings as school psychologists, guidance officers and school counsellors.
The APACS National Committee meets monthly to build on the provision of professional activities and resources that promote current professional knowledge, best practice and collegiate connection. We engage in dialogue with media, policy makers, AHPRA, members of the public and members on critical issues that impact the profession and the educational outcomes and wellbeing of young people in Australian schools.
APACS was formed in 1986 under the the previous title of the Australian Guidance and Counselling Association. APACS is formed as a peak body of affiliated organisations. There are currently five state-based affiliate organisations: APACS SA, SPAWA, QCGA, TSPA and APACS- South Eastern Australia. Our newly formed South Eastern Australia affiliate aims to serve members from NSW, VIctoria and the ACT. Those wishing to join from the NT are very welcome to contact any affiliated organisation that suits their needs.